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College Counseling Team


Karen Mason

Karen Mason_Germantown Academy_College Counseling


标题: Director of College Counseling

度: M.A., Pennsylvania State University
B.A., Wilkes University

传记: 卡伦·梅森(Karen Mason)于2009年加入十大体育外围平台排名,此前她曾在怀俄明州神学院(Kingston的一所全国男女同校寄宿学校)担任大学指导主任, PA) for 13 years. 梅森还在威尔克斯-巴雷的威尔克斯大学教授英语,并担任行政团队成员, PA, and wrote a monthly column for The Times Leader. She earned her BA in English from Wilkes, and her MA in English Literature from Penn State University. At GA, she hosts an advisory as a member of Alcott Day House. 梅森是宾夕法尼亚大学入学咨询协会(PACAC)的前任主席,并在NACAC举行的会议上发表过演讲, PACAC, and the Middle States Mid-Atlantic Region of the College Board. Mason is married to her wife, Joan.


Daniel Evans

丹尼尔·圣. 琼


Title: Associate Director of College Counseling

学位: B.A., University of Richmond

传记: 丹·埃文斯于2020年加入十大体育外围平台排名大学咨询团队,拥有30年的大学招生工作经验. 他在东西海岸的小型文理学院和大型研究型大学都有丰富的工作经验. He has been a senior admissions officer at Elizabethtown College, Lafayette College, the University of Puget Sound (where he served as director), and the University of Pennsylvania, where he served as an admission officer and athletic liaison. 他于2004年加入William Penn Charter School,担任大学咨询总监,并担任该职位并担任高级管理团队成员16年.

埃文斯曾担任约翰霍普金斯大学青年才俊中心和宾夕法尼亚大学入学咨询协会(PACAC)暑期学院的教员. He also served as a member of the PACAC Executive Committee. He has been featured in books, newspapers and magazine articles discussing the college application process. He and his wife, 苏珊娜, have three children; two of whom have successfully navigated the college search process and the youngest is a member of the GA Class of 2025.


Joaquim Hamilton


标题: Associate Director of College Counseling

学位: B.A., Franklin & 马歇尔

传记: Joaquim Hamilton began his first year at GA in fall 2023. 他从韦斯特镇学校来到华盛顿堡,在那里他担任了五年的大学咨询副主任. Prior to that, 汉密尔顿是斯沃斯莫尔学院的副院长兼多元文化招生主任,在约克学院也担任过类似的职务. 他还曾在费城期货公司担任College Connection和Young Men’s Initiative的主管. 他很自豪地审查了来自办公桌两边的数千份申请, 在各高等院校之间建立了广泛的专业网络, 并在复杂多变的大学申请和经济援助过程中为学生和家长提供咨询.

He has an extensive list of extracurricular activities, including coaching basketball, 今年,他将在爱国者队女子青年队的场边观看这项运动, and a two-year stint as the Westtown BIPOC Summer Orientation leader. 他也是富兰克林大学IMPACT(有色人种有目的地共同完成大学学业)的成员 & 马歇尔. He participates in a variety of professional development, including college counseling tours, the ACCIS Colloquium: Rec Writers Workshop, NAIS People of Color Conference, and served as a presenter at the 2022 NACAC Conference. 他的演讲题目是“指派的其他职责:独立学校黑人大学辅导员的(非正式但重要的)角色”.” He and his wife, Intisar, have two children enrolled at GA.


Jonathan Na

Jonathan Na_Germantown Academy_College Counseling


标题: Assistant Director of College Counseling, Director of Testing

学位: B.A., Dickinson College
M.Div., Westminster Theological Seminary

传记: Jonathan Na于2018-19学年加入大学咨询团队,担任大学咨询助理主任兼测试主任. 身为牧师和青年牧师的罗某,对大学辅导有着独到的见解. 他精通为努力成为最好的自己的青少年提供咨询.

他在迪金森学院主修音乐史,并在英国留学了一年, 在加入GA之前,Na花了一个夏天参加针对新辅导员的强化大学咨询培训. Charismatic with an infectious enthusiasm for life, a sharp intellect, and well-honed writing talents, Na has plunged into the GA community in this pivotal role. Na is a member of the coaching staff of volleyball, serves as an advisor in Roberts House, and is the Director of Testing. Na and his wife, 莎拉, who is GA's Associate Director of 股本 and Inclusion, have three children at GA.


Anne Leonard

Anne Leonard_Germantown Academy


标题: Assistant Director of College Counseling, Director of Testing

度: B.A., Rosemont College
M.A., Arcadia Univeristy
M.L.S., Kutztown University

传记: 安妮·伦纳德在担任十大体育外围平台排名中学校长助理四年后,于2021年加入大学咨询办公室. 伦纳德曾在阿卡迪亚大学研究生和本科生办公室工作了九年,并在阿卡迪亚大学和罗斯蒙特学院的大学招生工作了七年. She earned her BA in English Literature from Rosemont College, 她在阿卡迪亚大学(Arcadia University)获得英语硕士学位,在库茨敦大学(Kutztown University)获得硕士学位. 

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